
Service and Usage Agreement

Service Guarantee

There is NO REFUND for payments made to Yer Bilişim for Web hosting services.

Our refund policy is the same for all our products except for Licenses, Software, Domain SSL services. The remaining amount after the usage calculation is processed for the refund procedure. Refunds within the 7-day guarantee period are processed within 3 working days.

Yer Bilişim Software and Technology Services are responsible for maintaining the UP (active) status of the hosted server and other services ordered from the date of order placement until the end of the ordered period. In case of violation of the following rules, this responsibility will cease, and the service in question will be terminated.


In order for all services provided by Yer Bilişim to be activated, service fees must be paid in advance. Additionally, for existing customers, if payment dates fall on weekends or holidays, service payments must be made on the working days preceding or following the weekend or holiday.

Yer Bilişim's customer tracking system is entirely automatic, and services for which payment has been due for more than 1 hour based on the payment date are automatically suspended. If payment is not made within 3 days following the suspension of services, all user-related data is temporarily frozen, followed by the suspension of web current transactions in our database. (It will be automatically reactivated upon the next service purchase).

Yer Bilişim Software and Technology Services cannot be held responsible for any data loss that may occur in such cases. In case of a delay in payment for any service, Yer Bilişim Software and Technology Services reserve the right to suspend other services belonging to the user and to refrain from reactivating the services until the necessary payment is made. Failure to comply with this right may result in the suspension of domain usage and the right to seize the domain. The total fee amount for services paid through PayPal is calculated in USD.

Domain Names

All domain names registered through Yer Bilişim are recorded based on the information provided by the customer during the registration process. The entire usage of domain names is the responsibility of the customer.

Yer Bilişim sends warning emails to the customer nearing the end date of the domain name. However, it is entirely the customer's responsibility to track the expiration date of the domain name. Yer Bilişim Software and Technology Services cannot be held responsible for domain names lost due to expiration.

System Usage

Customers receiving web hosting and reseller hosting services from Yer Bilişim servers agree to share the same server with other customers. If a customer's website utilizes server resources in a manner that affects the performance speed of other customers' sites, Yer Bilişim Software and Technology Services reserve the right to temporarily or permanently suspend the publication of this website.

In such a situation, Yer Bilişim Software and Technology Services may request the customer to move their website to another server. In such cases, Yer Bilişim Software and Technology Services reserve the right to decide whether a refund will be issued or not. The customer is deemed to have accepted any decision made in this regard.


Yer Bilişim is not responsible for any material or moral damages arising from the incorrect use of customer data, content, or data used via email within the services provided. The obligation to back up and store this data lies with the customer. Yer Bilişim will regularly back up and maintain all customer data. Nevertheless, Yer Bilişim is not responsible for any interruptions or data loss that may occur in its services unless otherwise specified in the contract text.

Illegal Use

Services belonging to Yer Bilişim cannot be used for any illegal purposes or to support such activities. Yer Bilişim Software and Technology Services have the authority to investigate and shut down any illegal situations or suspected misuse.


Examples of disallowed actions in all our services are as follows:

  • IRC Scripts and Bots
  • Proxy Scripts and Anonymizers
  • Pirated Software and Warez
  • AutoSurf, PTC, PTS, and PPC sites
  • IP Scanners used for hacking purposes
  • Bruteforce Programs, Scripts, and Applications
  • Mail Bombers, Spam Scripts, and Mailer Pro
  • Sale of unauthorized items
  • Sites with adult, erotic, adult story, and video content
  • Dating sites like Escort and Gigolo sites and any site with such content
  • Lottery and Gambling Sites
  • MUDs, RPGs, and PBBGs
  • Archive programs focused on hacker sites
  • Sites encouraging illegal activities
  • Blockchain - mining, bitcoin, litecoin, and any mining operations not limited to these

Threats - Dangers

The responsibility for any harmful objects, materials, or files published (via mail, upload, etc.) using Yer Bilişim services lies with the customer. Yer Bilişim Software and Technology Services have the right to intervene and close the concerned account in such situations.


Any material changes, deletions, or corrections aimed at misleading or deceiving individuals and any actions taken using names of individuals or companies for fraudulent purposes are strictly prohibited.


Purchasing and selling products, parts, or services fraudulently through cheating using Yer Bilişim services will be termed as "fraud" and appropriate legal actions will be taken.

Email and Spam News

The deliberate use of spam on electronic mail, news, or hosted web content is strictly prohibited by Yer Bilişim Software and Technology Services.


Attempting to gain authorization in other users' accounts using Yer Bilişim services, causing others' information to be lost, is strictly prohibited.